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Your weekly top 10 Welcome to our weekly curated list of startup / tech economy related « articles » we enjoyed reading. 10 articles to help you decoding trends. Take your time… 🙂 

Storelift launches autonomous convenience stores using AI and computer visionAs physical retail struggles amid the global pandemic, storeowners are rapidly trying to adapt to new realities that also include growing competition from Amazon. But a French startup called Storelift believes it can create a new convenience store concept that leans on many of the same AI and computer vision tools used in Amazon Go stores to reinvent the shopping and checkout experience.Automatically Read !

Si vous visez le marché nord-américain, oubliez la Silicon ValleyDepuis le début de l’épidémie de Covid-19, les États-Unis font les frais de l’épidémie, à la fois en termes de personnes touchées mais aussi d’emplois perdus. Pour comprendre quelle est la situation sur place et comment envisager l’avenir avec le pays, Réza Malekzadeh, président de la French Tech à San Francisco, nous livre son témoignage.Lisez & oubliez !

Louer son réseau, le nouveau business d’Uber auprès du transport public L’entreprise se lance dans les navettes à la demande avec un abonnement SaaS payé par les autorités de transport pour utiliser ses technologies et proposer leurs courses dans son appli.ber et le service public, c’est une histoire compliquée. Pas facile pour une entreprise qui s’est construite en opposition avec les villes et les lois locales de leur proposer à présent de les servir.Lisez et marchez !

Fairphone founder Bas van Abel about turning a bunch of rocks into a smartphone The fairest, most sustainable smartphone comes from Amsterdam. Fairphone has been proving that consumer electronics do not need to have a terrible impact on the world around us since 2013. With their recent launch of the Fairphone 3+, an upgraded version of their modular Fairphone 3, they keep striving for a better world. Fairphone founder Bas van Abel is eager to tell about theRead sustainably !

The power of community: how Gymshark is killing it in the gym According to Silicon Valley mythology, promising startups are founded in garages. That is true in the unlikely entrepreneurial hotspot of Bromsgrove, too. In 2012, Ben Francis, then a 19-year-old fitness fanatic and Aston University business student, launched Gymshark with some of his schoolmates from his parents’ garage in the British Midlands. His mother, an NHS coronaryGo to the gym !

Saga Robotics raises $11m to develop robo-strawberry pickers Saga Robotics, a UK and Norwegian startup developing fleets of autonomous strawberry pickers and agri-robots that blast fungus with UV light, has just raised €9.5 million ($11.3 million).Robo-read !

Taking the temperature on African VC fundingAs with most other regions, the year started off on a positive note. The African think tank, Briter Bridges, reported that African startups raised approximately $350 million in Q1-2020 representing an uptick of 37% compared to the same period last year ($256 million). In keeping with previous years’ trends, South Africa ($112 million), Nigeria ($74 million), Kenya ($62 million) and Egypt ($51 million) were the top destinations, garnering 85% of investments.Getting hot !

25 Next-Generation African Leaders Announced as Winners of the Resolution Social Venture ChallengeThirteen teams of a total of 25 emerging African social entrepreneurs have been selected as winners of the 2020 Resolution Social Venture Challenge. Thirty-eight teams of Mastercard Foundation Scholars gathered virtually to compete in the multi-step competition that identifies promising young leaders with bold ideas for change.Get them started

Pourquoi il faut (re)lire Kurt VonnegutMéconnu en Europe, et tout particulièrement en France, le romancier américain (1922-2007) fait l’objet d’un véritable culte dans son pays. Auteur inclassable, iconoclaste, à l’humour noir ravageur, il a dessiné au gré de ses romans et nouvelles une satire sans concession de l’Amérique et d’un progrès technologique condamnant selon lui les individus à la solitude.lisez du papier ! 

5 cultuurlessen waarmee Reed Hastings Netflix groot maakteDe bedrijfscultuur van Netflix is een cruciaal ingrediënt van het succes van de streamingdienst, stelt oprichter Reed Hastings. Naar aanleiding van zijn nieuwe boek No Rules Rules deelt de ondernemer alvast zijn belangrijkste lessen in de video hierboven.Lees *5 !Curious about what we do ? Go and check our website !More Info

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